Tediji - Contact us : info@tediji.eu

Here is the list of new features introduced in V1.8:

  • Thanks to the order of signers you can configure which signers should sign the request first. Signers are only notified when they can sign the request.
  • When defining the request, Tediji now gives you the possibility of to add people in copy of the request. They will be notified by email of the progress of the process.
  • Fields can now be added via drag and drop in the configuration screen. Features for selecting, moving and multiple copying of fields are now available.
  • The error codes of our APIs are more precise in order to facilitate your integration of Tediji.
  • Advanced search filters have been added, including the possibility to search for requests using a signer’s email.
  • The number of notifications sent has been reduced in case the request creator is also a signer.